It was a great experience! It was my first time to attend a live Online Session on Calculator training tonight, March 30, 2009, at 6:00 to 7:30pm. The topics were middle school-probability, mean/median/mode, histograms, box-and-whisker plots using TI-84+ graphing calculator.
At first, I was a little bit nervous, but when I got Stan Semones, the facilitator on the phone conference, I felt at ease. I joined the group by greeting the participants and by introducing myself which they also did. I was one of the four participants from the DCPS system. I was in front of my computer while had my phone on speaker. I could see a generated image of TI-84+ graphing calculator from a TI-SmartView Emulator Software on my screen that was functionable.
Stan showed us how to use the probability simulation application including the tossing coins and rolling dice. He got the data from the simulation and stored in the calculator. After that, Stan used the data to show it on box-and-whisker plot and on a histogram. Then he asked me to repeat the procedure while the rest of the group used their calculators. He also helped us to compare a box-and-whisker plot and a histogram of the same data. He guided us on how to use the random integer function, as well as the median, mean, lcm, and gcd using the catalog and the number functions.
In my case, it was a refresher course that could help me train others effectively. Using this live online training would help more teachers in the comforts of their home, thus learning more to help boost up their students' academic achievement.
ALGEBRA I Course Syllabus: Phelps ACE High School
15 years ago