
This blog is to communicate information about our Math Curriculum to archive DCPS initiatives, Phelps High School Math Department initiatives, course materials, to publish the courses curricula, syllabi, lessons, homework assignments, scoring guides, and power point presentations. This blog contains varied Mathematical information for students, teachers, and parents to increase proficiency in Math. This is another way for me to collaborate with other Math teachers.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

BCR Collaboration

The learning is more effective when there is a collaboration among the learners. This morning, our Math Department had a collaborative planning meeting. Our main task was to create anchors for our brief constructed response (BCR) grading.
The teachers grouped themselves by grade level, answered the DC BAS C BCR items, compared their answers, collaborated, and agreed on the requirements of a score 3, basing on the district wide scoring guide. They copied their anchors on the chart papers as a preparation for their grading on Monday.
This process of collaboration helped our teachers a lot because they could express their own thinking and could share their expertise with each other, as well as learned from each other's ideas.
I saw how the teachers brainstormed and taught each other which reminded me of my BCR class students. I could really say how collaboration was very powerful not only among students but also among teachers. I even took their pictures which I will upload later.
I am sure that the learning takes place more effectively in every collaborative learning.