
This blog is to communicate information about our Math Curriculum to archive DCPS initiatives, Phelps High School Math Department initiatives, course materials, to publish the courses curricula, syllabi, lessons, homework assignments, scoring guides, and power point presentations. This blog contains varied Mathematical information for students, teachers, and parents to increase proficiency in Math. This is another way for me to collaborate with other Math teachers.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Mersenne primes are a special
class of prime, and they have a particular formula.

2^n - 1
The number n is a prime, and the result is prime. And what makes the Mersenne primes so interesting is how rare they are. And their gargantuan size.

Ancient Greek mathematicians were the first to describe Mersenne primes, and, up until now, only 46 had been discovered. This most recent one — though not the largest — is a whopper at nearly 13 million digits long. Please, click here to read the whole article.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Opportunity Equation: Transforming Mathematics and Science Education for Citizenship and the Global Economy

Mathematics and science are essential components of a liberal education, the backbone of logic and analytic thinking from early childhood through the most advanced levels of learning across the academic disciplines. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics enable us to understand the natural world, the built environment, systems of society, and the interactions among them that will determine the future of our nation and planet. Like literacy, math and science embody habits of mind and methods for discerning meaning that enable students to learn deeply and critically in all areas. Just as adults need math and science to understand the world and function within it, students need math and science to understand and master subjects such as history, geography, music, and art.
Please, click here to view the full report of Carnegie Corporation of New York –– Institute for Advanced Study Commission on Mathematics and Science Education.