We had a Math Dept. Collaborative Planning Meeting today at 8:05-8:40am
in room 118.
Our agenda was: " Math Anchor Assignment Project"
I. Welcome
II. Teachers' report on Math Anchor Assignment 3-day implementation
III. Successes/Challenges
IV. Discussion
V. Collaborative Scoring Schedule
VI. Other Matters
VII. Closing
After the greetings, Mr. Phelps led the report on the 3-day implementation of the
Math Anchor Assignment Project. He said the following:
1. The students were engaged.
2. It would have been better if we would have the actual book so that the students would know
the real story.
3. He made up another worksheet to help the students in the scaffolding.
4. Providing more hands-on activities for the students makes the lesson more effective..
5. He showed us a student's work, an organized chart related to the anchor.
Some of the successes were:
1. Students were engaged.
2. Students did their best to construct their own knowledge.
3. Students expressed their own interpretation and prediction based on the given data.
Some of the challenges were:
1. Some students wanted to know the whole story from the book but no available book.
2. Some students needed more guidance/scaffolding to understand the concept of the lessson.
3. Teachers need common time schedule to grade the students' works collaboratively.
I received an email from the Professional Development Office that I will be receiving one book this week.
I will give it to the teachers and we will figure out how we can share that one book.
Each student in the classroom has his own individual needs. We have to differentiate our lessons.
We agreed to request the principal, Ms. Patton to help us find common periods for collaborative
scoring of the students' works.
Proposed Collaborative Scoring Schedule:
1st: May 14 Thursday collaborative meeting time
2nd: May 18 Monday 1st and 2nd bell
3rd: May 19 Tuesday 1st and 2nd bell
ALGEBRA I Course Syllabus: Phelps ACE High School
15 years ago