The DCBAS Test C, another benchmark for the DCCAS 2009, will be administered on the 3rd and the 4th of March. There have been a lot of preparations in our school.
On February 26, Thursday, we had a collaborative planning meeting of the Math Department. Our Math teachers and I revisited our school data. We showed that every Math teacher knows how to compute for the safe harbor target and the number of our students that we need to move up to proficiency in every Math class. Although, we are aware of the Jefferson Middle School Mission which is every student in the building will be advanced or proficient in Reading and Math, it is still good to know our school safe harbor target. We also revisited our students' growth in DCBAS test 2 and test 3, as well as their strands grouping.
I created a brief constructed response (BCR) samples display on the 2nd floor for our teachers and students to see. This is a part of our BCR initiative for DCCAS preparation, aside from having a daily BCR lesson with the 8E class. In addition, on Thursday next week, during our Math Collaborative Planning Meeting, our Math teachers will collaborate on BCR grading. All 6th grade teachers will answer the 6th grade DCBAS C-BCR items and will decide on the requirements for a grade of 3, 2, 1, or 0, basing on our district scoring guide. Our 7th and 8th grade Math teachers will do the same collaboration. With all the BCR activities in all subject areas everyday, we are expecting a great improvement in the test results.
ALGEBRA I Course Syllabus: Phelps ACE High School
15 years ago